WALL-E Theory

Who is this you may ask?
Wall-E is the last remaining robot that is dirty since earth is now a garbage-strewn wasteland in earth in the 22nd century, his name is pretty short but, his long name apparently is Waste Allocation Load Lifter: Earth Class. Meaning he is a garbage lifter, lifting up waste and trash he is also earth class meaning he is not a space class nor a water class.

Does this character represents me?
Yes, mainly because I am a clumsy person even if I am typing especially if I need to do something.

Does Wall-E has a friend?
Yes namely Eve, Eve is a space bot, scanning at every possible planets to see signs of dangers or sustainable living. Eve has a long name that is, Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator.

Now here is a theory, how can Wall-E found a living seedling in earth even if earth is now a gothic wasteland?
Nobody knows a lot much but, my theory is that one of the inactive robots may have a living seedling under them, strange right? Maybe those robots is also a earth class like Wall-E.

That's all I will try to update this as fast as possible,checkout other blogs like Roblox Theory and Minecraft Theory.

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