About: Myself

Who am I?

I am Gio, a generic but a dim-witted person that is the age of 11, I am born in the date of February 26 2023, I learn and study in the school named "D'Royal Moroco Integrative International School" a school that I used to learn at is "Gita Children School" an old-timey school that has a lot of mayhem.

I have 12 classmates, each of them has some unique personality or some chaotic touch, most of my friends has a friendly and a distorted personality but, some of the friends can be the state of chaos or have a combusted personality, we tend to be funny but it gets to the point where it starts to fade away since we are starting to get older.

A hobby that I have in mind is soccer, I am decent as a keeper but pretty good as a striker, although I am still trying to stabilize for sports and accuracy, a second hobby I like is gaming, a common hobby of each boys in the classroom, I like to play FPS-Games or some random game I picked out from the google playstore, the third-to-last hobby I like is Basketball, although I don't play basketball that much since I changed my favourite sport from basketball to soccerball, my legacy still holds up to this day.


I remember each memory I have but, some memory are forgotten in my head, because some can be malicious or some memories were a bit too long too remember.

One memory I remember is where my friends were trying to kill a lizard, a weird thing they wanna do, they sliced and seperate the tail away from the body, they also sweeped it away into the garbage bin, but when they want to honor its memory, they took a sample of the lizard's blood and put it into one of our recent project of ours, this was a whole mayhem, it goes somewhere to another, so chaotic that the whole primary classes got out and caused a commotion, even two secondaries went to the primary floor and spectated the whole chaos, but that's about it.

The second memory is more vague, and this memory is about the primary camping when we were grade five instead of grade six, since this memory is more longer than I expected, I will split them into two sub-memories and I will put the sub-memories in a chronological order, the first sub-memory is when one of the classmates was going to pray, suddenly they fell from the stairs, the stairs was made of cobblestones so it was bumpy, they slip because of one stone that is big and had one side being smooth, while the rest is just a rough texture, but the accident struck once again, this time she fell on the same rock, but their leg was near the edge, so it was reasonable on why she fell twice.

The next sub-memory is where I outsmarted a challenge in night-hour, basically there would be a three-staged challenges, level one and three challenhges aren't pretty important but I will talk about the level two challenge, the level two challenge requires us to use our brains and skills to complete the challenhge, the challenge controller which was the teacher, told us to hold our hands and form a circle with each of us facing to the opposite side one and another, the teacher told us to make the circle inside-out without disconnecting our arms, due to that rule it creates one problem, semi-softlock which our heads would always touch our arms when trying to do the process, but I had an idea, I thought of this: Get close to each other, raise our arms up, each of us go to a seperate gap while ducking down.

And it actually work!

Which my team got into level there challenge and as I benefit my team, they benefitted me as well which was pretty nice.

But that's all for my memories, about me and about somethings, thank you for reading this, bye!

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